This story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a classic tale that has been told for many years. The story begins with three bears who live in a simple cottage in the woods. The mother bear, the father bear, and the young bear’s son make up the trio. The bears all lived quietly in the woods and they were happy.
One faithful morning after Mama Bear had made breakfast, they all decided to go for a walk in the woods. They thought to themselves that before they returned home, then the porridge would be cool enough to eat.
A young girl entered their house while the bears were out in the woods. Everyone referred to her as Goldilocks because of her golden hair. The little girl had unknowingly wandered into the house of the bear without knowing that actual bears lived in the cottage.
The little girl went inside the house and looked around. She saw freshly cooked porridge, and she wanted to eat it. She moved closer and tasted the first porridge, which belonged to the big bear, the papa bear. Because it was excessively hot, she detested this porridge.
The little girl then tasted the second porridge which belonged to the second bear, Mama Bear and she hated this porridge. This is because it was too cold for her. After trying two porridge, the little girl went to try the last porridge which was in a little bowl.
She tried the last porridge which was not too cold or old. It was just at the right temperature; She liked this and finished the entire plate. After finishing the food, she found her way upstairs to their bedroom. The little girl was tired and she wanted to rest a little bit.
The little girl tried the first bed, but she disliked it. She lay on the bed and it was too hard for her. She then tried the second bed and she disliked this bed too. According to her, this bed was too soft. After trying both beds, all that remained was the last little bed.
The little girl lay on the bed and she was quite comfortable with this bed. According to her, the bed was not too hard or soft. It was just okay. Being comfortable on the last bed, the girl quickly fell asleep and she used a blanket to cover up herself.
She lay on the bed and slept peacefully. When the three bears arrived home for their food to be cool enough to eat, they found out something rather shocking. The bears found out that someone had eaten out of their porridge. The papa bear and mama bear found out that someone had eaten some of their food.
A little girl lying on their bed startled the bears when they entered their bedroom. The big bears said that someone had lay on their bed. The younger bear was more shocked when he found out that there was a little girl with golden hair on his bed.
The little girl was sleeping peacefully on the bed when the little bear yelled at her. Hearing the voice of the little bear, the girl quickly jumped off the bed and ran outside. The little girl ran till she got to her grandmother’s house. She didn’t stop running and was terrified until she reached her grandmother’s house.
When the girl got home, she told her grandmother about her experience. Her grandmother wouldn’t believe what her granddaughter had said and she told Goldilocks that she had a wild imagination.
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