Enter into our world of thousands of free printable coloring pages for both kids and adults and you can also click on this link to visit our store to purchase our first hand drawn coloring book titled “World Food Coloring Book”. It showcases food and dishes across 45 countries and cultures. It includes popular dishes like sushi from Japan, tacos from Mexico and pizza from Italy.
Purchase World Food Coloring Page
Coloring Pages of Unicorns, Rainbow, Christmas
Coloring pages of Flowers – Lotus, Orchid, Rose, Poppy, Daisy and Hibiscus
Coloring Pages of Cars – Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ferarri, Pagani, Porsche and Bugatti
Coloring Pages of Cartoons – Pokemon, Spiderman, Ariel, Barbie, Cinderella…….
Coloring Page of Animals – Dogs, Cats, Bear, Dolphin, Eagle……………
The Poor Woman In The Neighborhood
This story of the poor woman in the neighborhood starts in a village with a poor woman. This woman resided in the village with her daughter. The poor woman makes native soap for a living. The woman requires empty palm bunches and other things for making the native soap. So, every day the…
Talk Talk
Talk-Talk : This folktale begins with a tortoise who has a pineapple farm. The pineapple farm was close to a stream and at the side of the road. Mango, orange, and pineapple were fed to the farm’s tortoises along with other fruits. Most times the fruits on his farm would go ripe and they would…
The Despising King
This story of the despising king is a classic African tale that begins with a king. The king ruled over a territory. This land was the land of Okaigo. The reason the people adored the king was because of his gentle heart. In every matter that concerned him, the king would get advice from his…
The Dog and The Greedy Tortoise
The story of the dog and the greedy tortoise starts in an animal kingdom. In this kingdom, a great famine lasted for quite a long time. The famine lasted till all the food they stored was finished. This worried the animals in the animal kingdom and they had to act quickly or they would all…
Why Hawks Kill Chicks Not Owlets
The story of why hawks kill chicks and not owlets is a classic African tale. The story begins with a hawk who is carrying a little owlet away while the parents are watching. After a while, the hawk arrived at its house. On getting home, the hawk’s parents asked what the owlet mother said when…
The Best Cook With A Sore and the Wise King
The story of the best cook with a sore and the Wise King starts with Mamara. She was very beautiful and was a good cook too. However, she suffered from an ugly sore behind her left hand. This sore refused to heal and it has stopped a lot of people from buying her delicious food.…
Why The Eagle Flies Higher Than Other Birds
The story of why the eagle flies higher than other birds is a classic tale. This story begins with a boy who was the last son of a skillful carver. He was a famous farmer and was well-known across the village. People showered him with praise whenever he carved any work because he had no…