The story of the lioness and small respect begins with a lioness who is the queen of the land. She rules all of Africa, and everything that breathes in the lands fears her. They would all run in fear if any animal caught sight of her. Even the largest animals such as the rhino and the elephant feared her.
They also respected the lioness children and they dared not harm them or frighten them. The fear of the lioness reached the crocodiles because they would also respect the lioness and not harm her whenever she came to drink water in the river.
The lioness loved how she was respected in the land and she would often brag about it. One day while the lioness was resting, she was disturbed by a mosquito. The mosquito kept buzzing in her ears and soon she grew annoyed by it.
The mosquito was buzzing around the lioness’s ears and it even stung her nose. The Lioness snapped at the mosquito and she even bit her tongue in the process. This hurt her and she then struck the mosquito with her paw.
However, the mosquito was able to escape the lioness and was even laughing at her. The mosquito then stung the lioness again. The tiny little mosquito then asked the lioness to bow for him because he had defeated her and drank out of her blood.
The mosquito laughed and he flew into the spider’s web. This annoyed the queen and she let out a loud roar that scared the animals in the forest.
With respect to the queen, the spider killed the annoying little mosquito. After some time, the lioness was resting under a tree and she felt something on her nose. When she opened her eyes, she saw a mouse on her face.
The lioness was annoyed by this and she roared. She was about to use her paw to attack the mouse when it begged for forgiveness. The little mouse apologized that she was only running through the fields and didn’t mean to disturb her.
The lioness laughed at the little creature and said that she was about to kill the little mouse, however, she showed wisdom and also respected the queen. Because of this, the lioness would spare her life.
The little mouse thanked the queen and said that she hoped to be of service to the queen someday. The queen laughed and wondered how a little mouse could be of use to her.
Weeks passed and the queen went out for a little stroll when she fell into a pit. An entangled net prevented her from getting out despite her best efforts. She struggled to free herself from the net, but her efforts only made it more difficult.
While she was in the pit, a hyena passed her by and laughed at the lioness for entangling herself in the net trap. The hyena laughed and said to her that in the morning the men would come and they would throw their spears at her. Then they shall find a new queen.
The queen swore that she would tear that hyena apart, but first, she had to figure out how to free herself from the net. The queen tried and tried, however she could not free herself. A little voice reached the lioness when all hope seemed lost.
The mouse, which she had spared earlier, spoke in a little voice. The little mouse swore to be of service to the lioness and so she has come to help the queen. The mouse brought joy to the lioness as she heard his voice, coming to aid her.
The little mouse called his entire family to help the lioness out of the net and she was free just in time before the men would come. This story concludes how the queen respected every creature in the jungle no matter how small.
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