A jungle is where the story of a monkey and a crocodile began. The monkey in this story lives on a mango tree beside the river bank. All the mangos on the tree were the best and the mango tree bore fruits all through the year. This made the monkey very happy and he enjoyed his simple life, eating the tasty mango and playing on his mango tree.
On a faithful day, a crocodile approached the mango tree. The crocodile seemed very tired. Seeing that the crocodile was out of strength, the kind monkey offered him some mangos from his mango tree. The crocodile ate the mangoes and enjoyed them. Then he showed appreciation to the monkey for the mangoes he was given. Following that day, the monkey and the crocodile were close friends and frequent visitors.
The crocodile then thought to give some of the delicious mangoes to his beloved wife. After the wife ate the mangoes, she loved them. However, the wife demanded something very unusual from the crocodile. She stated that since the mangoes are very delicious, then how tasty would the heart of the kind monkey be? This is because the monkey regularly ate the delicious mangoes, thus he must be very tasty.
The wife then ordered her husband to bring the heart of the kind monkey who offered them mangoes. This shocked the crocodile and found the request very difficult to obey. This is because the monkey and the crocodile have become friends and he couldn’t betray his friend. The crocodile turned down the request.
But the wife of the crocodile persisted in demanding the monkey’s heart. To get her husband to meet her demands, she lied that she was ill and the doctor recommended that for her to recover she must eat the heart of a monkey. She even threatened her husband that if he didn’t get the heart of the monkey, she would die. This made the crocodile to give in to her demands.
This saddens the crocodile as he sets off to get the heart of the monkey. Reaching the monkey, the crocodile informed him that his wife had enjoyed the mangoes he had sent. He also told him that his wife invited him to their house to show their appreciation. Unaware of their plan, the kind monkey agreed. He sat on the back of the crocodile and they started going to the house of the crocodile.
While they were swimming in the crocodile’s house, the crocodile started sinking in the middle of the river. This made the monkey very scared and he asked why the crocodile was sinking. The crocodile then asked for the monkey’s forgiveness. He told the monkey that his wife needed the heart of a monkey for her to survive.
This surprised the monkey and he decided to outsmart the crocodile. He was calm and he told the monkey that he would be thrilled to save the life of his wife, however, his heart is back at the mango tree. The monkey crocodile wanted to return to the mango tree to get his heart.
The crocodile took the monkey back to the mango tree. Once they reached the mango tree, the monkey climbed and expressed how foolish the crocodile was. He then ordered the crocodile to go back and never return. Then the crocodile quietly went back home.
Moral Lesson From The Story
The strong message from the tale of the monkey and the crocodile is that quick thinking can save you from any problem. The monkey used his quick thinking to save himself from danger. The story also teaches that one must be strong enough to make their own decisions.
After the wife demanded the heart of the monkey who only showed them kindness, the crocodile should have defended his friends. But listening to the request of his wife he lost a great friend in the process.
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