The tale of the Owl and the grasshopper is a classic tale written by Aesop and it has been one of kid’s favorite. The story begins with an owl who lives far away and is always asleep. The owl lives in a hollow tree and she would sleep during the day and be awake at night.
Once she was awake, the old owl would flap and wings and she would fly through the woods. The owl would then start looking for insects, little animals such as mice and frogs that she would eat. The old owl loves making a strange sound whenever she is eating.
As the old owl was getting older, she grew more annoying. She, the old owl, was easily irritated by little things and hard to please. She hated anything that would disturb her peaceful sleep. The owl made every other animal tiptoe around her to avoid offending her.
One faithful day, a grasshopper who happened to be close to the owl, was singing with joy. The owl was annoyed as the grasshopper sang. She was angry because she couldn’t sleep while the grasshopper was singing.
The old owl came out of her old tree to see the grasshopper. She let her head out of the hole in her tree. This hole was both the window and a door for the owl. The owl tried to talk to the grasshopper. She told the grasshopper to leave the tree.
The grasshopper’s singing disturbed the owl. She told the grasshopper to leave because he was disturbing her sleep. The owl told the grasshopper to at least consider her old age and allow her to sleep in peace.
After many pleas, one would think that the grasshopper would stop singing. However, he didn’t. He told the old owl that he also had the right to stay outside and sing. After saying this, the grasshopper then continued singing and he even sang louder than before.
The old owl knew that arguing with the grasshopper was no use. She knew that she wouldn’t gain anything from arguing with anyone. The elderly owl’s eyes were not sharp enough for her to punish the same grasshopper who was disturbing her sleep.
The owl took another approach to talk to the grasshopper. She tried to talk to him calmly and told the grasshopper that since she would be awake, she might as well listen to his singing. The owl even offered wine to the grasshopper. She told the grasshopper that this was the same wine that Apollo drank before he started singing. The old owl told him that if he drank the wine, he would also sing just like Apollo did.
The old owl amused the grasshopper with her flattery, and they agreed to drink wine together. As soon as he got closer, the old owl jumped on him and that was his fate. The moral of this story is that flattery doesn’t show real admiration and don’t allow flattery to fool you.
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