The tale of the two horses is a classic story created in 1880 by Leo Tolstoy. This author is well known for his writings about War and Peace. The story starts long ago in a small town. In this small town, there lived two strong horses.
The horses went by the name Thunder and Lightning. A hardworking herder owned both horses. The herder used both horses to carry furs to the market to sell. The herder was proud of his horses because they were strong.
The first horse, Lightning was a hardworking and quiet horse. The horse would always deliver his best effort. He would pull the weight of the wagon with force and with all his might. The Second horse, Thunder would be very loud and he was also very lazy.
The harder would quietly observe his horses and he took note of their behavior. The lazy horse, Thunder wouldn’t work as hard as the first horse, Lightning. Thunder would also lag and he would slow down the task.
The herder took note of his behavior and he would then transfer all the fur to the first horse. Lighting would take on the task meant for two and he would do it diligently. The herder did this because the work would be much faster.
As the herder would transfer all of Thunder’s work to Lightning, Thunder would laugh and lazy around. He would laugh at the first horse and he would make fun of him. The second horse urged the first horse to keep working until he was tired, which only prompted the herder to assign him more tasks.
After a long and stressful day, both the horses and their herder reached the tavern. The herder noticed the difference between Thunder and Lightning. It was time for the man to feed both his horses, however, he contemplated.
The man thought why should he feed both his horses when only one of the horse does all the work? It wouldn’t be reasonable for him to have both horses, so the man decided to feed only Lightning, the hardworking horse.
The man only fed the hard-working horse and he didn’t feed the other horse, Thunder. The herder didn’t feed the lazy horse, leaving him hungry. The other horse worked for two, feeding well and being praised by the herder.
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