The story of the wise physically challenged starts with a boy named Imaria. This child was born into the Opoki Riale family, who resided in the tiny village of Ebewen. He was an active and bright child when born, but unfortunately, he fell ill and became disabled.
One day, Imaria had polio and this left him disabled. During that time, there was no cure for this disease. His mother took him to visit every doctor in the village and the neighboring village, however, they all couldn’t do anything to cure Maria.
After searching for a long time, it seems that there isn’t any doctor who would find a cure for Imaria’s illness. Despite this, Imaria can overcome the sickness and he can now walk. Before his sickness, Imaria used to play with other children in the village.
The children in the village ignored him after he contracted Polio and was left physically challenged. This bothered his parents and they were ashamed to send Imaria to school with other children. Despite Imaria’s friends’ support to help him continue school, his parent still refused.
Being unable to go to school, Imaria started farm work instead and he enjoyed it. He used to travel through the community on his way to the farm every time. Each time he passed through the village, Imaria would also pass through the house of Onofua’s house.
As he passed through Onofua’s house, his wife would see him and she would make fun of Imaria for the way he walked. She would say that who would marry this type of person? The little boy would also laugh along and he would use a cane to draw his legs.
After a while, Imaria found out that the woman’s statement was an insult. Each time the woman would make fun of Imaria’s legs he would burst into tears and report to his mother. After the incident, Imaria’s mom would tell him that if he could achieve anything, the woman wouldn’t make fun of him anymore and she would respect him.
One day one of Onofua’s daughters fell ill and this was the most beautiful of his three daughters. He and his wife visited every doctor in the village and they were not able to cure her. They lost hope that their daughter would be healed.
One day as Imaria was returning from the farm in the evening, he saw an old lady carrying firewood. This old lady was weak and tired and as Imaria approached the old lady, her walking stick snapped. When the young child realized this, he felt sorry for the elderly woman and gave her his walking stick.
Imaria handed his walking stick to the elderly woman despite his infirmity. He also helped the old lady with her load. When they got closer to the old lady’s house, she returned the walking stick to Imaria and she took her load from him.
The old woman thanked him and told Imaria to use the walking stick to touch her. When the old lady gave her orders, Imaria transformed into a young girl. The young girl told Imaria to take the walking stick home and he should use it to help people who are suffering from illness.
The young girl told Imaria that touching a sick person with the walking stick would heal them. When the little boy got home, he found that his mother was ill. She was healed immediately as he touched her with the walking stick.
Words spread around the village about Imaria’s magic walking stick. Imaria’s family began to invite sick people to their houses to receive healing. Imaria’s house was filled with people who came and left as soon as they got healed.
Onofua and his wife thought of taking their daughter to Imaria’s house for healing before the news reached them.. But she was afraid. They wouldn’t allow her to take them both to Imaria’s house for healing, even though both she and her husband were ill.
After much persuasion from the neighbors, she took her husband to Imaria’s house and he got cured. The neighbors also convinced her to take her daughter to Imaria’s house. When she got to Imaria’s house, she begged him to heal her daughter but he refused.
He then said that he would heal her daughter on one condition, and that condition was that he would only heal her if she agreed to marry him. The mother begged Imaria again, but he refused. After the couple got home, they saw that their daughter’s condition had worsened.
After some time, they agreed to let their daughter marry Imaria rather than for her to remain in pain. They then brought their daughter to Imaria’s residence, where he touched her with the walking stick. After she got healed and the family fulfilled their wishes, she soon took an active role in her life.
Imaria became wealthy thanks to his new gift and so he planned a grand wedding for him and his bride. The villagers spread the news throughout the village. However, when it was time for him and his bride to dance, Imaria couldn’t dance because he couldn’t walk properly. He touched his legs with the walking stick and was healed. Imaria and his family then started dancing, and everything was alright.
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